
Personal Consultant

Counsellor & Coach
for individuals & couples
from all walks of life

A warm welcome

I really do love people and their stories and experiences - I always have. I’ve lived and listened to stories without judgement for almost sixty years. Nothing shocks me and nothing surprises me. I’ve heard the saddest of stories as well as the most amazing ones, and I’m so grateful that I have.

I would love to listen to your story – to hear about your strengths and weaknesses, your loves and losses, your joys and sorrows. Whatever your reasons for coming to me, I’m here to help. I believe that in everyone, there is a part that thrives, that’s dynamic, strong and so very wonderful.    

One of my favourite things to do is to listen carefully, find that part of you and draw it out. To you it may be hidden, lost or completely invisible, but I know it’s there, just waiting for the right key to unlock it. The key is in you but you may need a little help to find it. And that’s where I come in…


“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”


How I can help


“The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step”



Develop greater self-esteem and confidence.

Learn how to express yourself more effectively.


Develop better communication skills within your relationship and work more effectively together.

Relate to others more effectively in relationships and social situations.


Break patterns of destructive behaviour that keep you stuck.

Deal with the effects of the behaviour of others towards you including racism and ‘othering’.


Deal with feelings of loss and grief.


My approach

Your personal consultant

My training as an Integrative Counsellor and Coach means I work with a blend of proven theories and philosophies. 

I help both individuals and couples and will tailor and blend the most reparative counselling approaches specifically for you and the issues you bring. Your therapy is a collaborative process and together we’ll find the key to unlock your potential. The coaching element is more dynamic; I will help you make effective, long term changes, supporting you throughout.

My therapy room is located in the privacy of my garden in East London or I operate online via Zoom or via telephone. You can be assured of a safe space for us to discuss anything you wish in confidence and without any judgement.
